Monday, July 20, 2009

I have no idea what to do

The market has shot up in the past couple weeks.  AAPL has gapped up significantly on 3 of the 4 past openings.  Up about $20 or 15% in the in the last 2 weeks.  I'm not complaining my bullish positions are doing well, but it puts a wrench in my plans for the rest of the year.  If catastrophe days are gone, then the days of collecting fat premiums for selling puts at risk-averse valuations are also gone.

With my short AAPL $140 put marked at $4.90 with 88 days til expiration my positions stand little to gain if this monster rally continues.  However, I have little to lose if it fizzles out.  I could chase again and roll up the position, but I feel like this time is different.  If after earnings tomorrow I find reasons for a higher valuation at $150 or $155 for AAPL I'll consider rolling it up then.

I am gaining confidence in my short Sunoco (SUN) put as I see $20 as a huge support.  A road trip up to Ithaca this weekend also boosted my confidence as the drive through Pennsylvania is Sunoco-country.  Even got a Sunoco trucker to honk his horn!

Maybe the world and the market is back to normal and I should hold some long-term stock positions.  I'm considering dollar averaging into CMG, buying 10 shares a month for at least the next 5 months.  The B shares of course, since they are at a huge discount.

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