Thursday, March 4, 2010

Roommate Ups my Apple FY 2010 Q2 Earnings Estimate $0.0000002

That's $2 x 10^-7, or 2 hundred thousandths of a cent.  I was getting a little worried because my roommate came home about a month ago excited about ditching her iPhone for a Blackberry.  By the next day she was already lamenting about how she missed her iPhone.

Yesterday, she'd reached the end of the 30-day limit she could return her Blackberry at no cost.  Drove in the last hour the store was open to return it, forgot her wallet, raced home and back to the store to be sure to get her iPhone.  I have never felt so good about my long Apple (AAPL) position.

Recently I also overheard something particularly interesting as it applies to the smartphone market share front.  I can't pin exactly where or when I heard this, but I know I did - "I don't want to get rid of my iPhone because I'm used to it."  Something I've heard countless people say with 'my iPhone' replaced by 'Windows.'  It's a strange position for Apple to find itself in, but I think they will find it's easier to defend a dominant market share position than convince people to switch.

*$0.0000002 based off of $200 / 900 million shares

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